Pretty Little Liars
Based on the Pretty Little Liars series of young adult novels by Sara Shepard, the series follows the lives of four girls — Spencer, Hanna, Aria, and Emily — whose clique falls apart after the disappearance of their queen bee, Alison. One year later, they begin receiving messages from someone using the name "A" who threatens to expose their secrets — including long-hidden ones they thought only Alison knew.
Aired: Jun 05, 2012 Genre: Drama MysteryCasts: Lucy Hale Troian Bellisario Ashley Benson Shay Mitchell Sasha Pieterse Ian Harding Tyler Blackburn Janel ParrishCreated By: I. Marlene KingProducers: Charles Grant Craig Joseph Dougherty Leslie Morgenstein I. Marlene King Oliver GoldstickDuration: 41m Rating: 7.6 Country: United States of America Production: Russian Hill Productions, Warner Horizon Television, Alloy Entertainment, Long Lake Media
01: It Happened That Night02: Blood Is The New Black03: Kingdom of the Blind04: Birds of a Feather05: That Girl is Poison06: The Remains of the 'A'07: Crazy08: Stolen Kisses09: The Kahn Game10: What Lies Beneath11: Single Fright Female12: The Lady Killer13: This is a Dark Ride14: She's Better Now15: Mona-Mania!16: Misery Loves Company17: Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Inferno18: Dead to Me19: What Becomes of the Broken-Hearted?20: Hot Water21: Out of Sight, Out of Mind22: Will the Circle Be Unbroken?23: I'm Your Puppet24: A dAngerous gAme