Matlock is an American television legal drama, starring Andy Griffith in the title role of criminal defense attorney Ben Matlock. The show, produced by The Fred Silverman Company, Dean Hargrove Productions, Viacom Productions and Paramount Television originally aired from September 23, 1986 to May 8, 1992 on NBC; and from November 5, 1992 until May 7, 1995 on ABC. The show's format is similar to that of CBS's Perry Mason, with Matlock identifying the perpetrators and then confronting them in dramatic courtroom scenes. One difference, however, was that whereas Mason usually exculpated his clients at a pretrial hearing, Matlock usually secured an acquittal at trial, from the jury.
Aired: Sep 18, 1990 Genre: Crime DramaCasts: Andy Griffith Daniel Roebuck Carol HustonCreated By: Dean HargroveProducers: Dean Hargrove Joel Steiger Fred SilvermanDuration: 45m Rating: 0 Country: United States of America Production: Viacom Productions, Dean Hargrove Productions, Fred Silverman Company, The Matlock Company
01: The Mother02: Nowhere to Turn (1)03: Nowhere to Turn (2)04: The Madam05: The Personal Trainer06: The Narc07: The Secret (1)08: The Secret (2)09: The Brothers10: The Cover Girl11: The Biker12: The Broker13: The Fighter14: The Critic15: The Parents16: The Man of The Year17: The Arsonist18: The Formula19: The Trial (1)20: The Trial (2)21: The Accident22: The Celebrity