
In a bleak dystopian future, humanity clings to survival deep underground within the confines of a colossal silo. Juliette, an engineer tasked with unraveling the mystery behind the death of a colleague, uncovers startling secrets that threaten the very fabric of their enclosed world.
Aired: May 04, 2023 Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy DramaCasts: Rebecca Ferguson Common Harriet Walter Chinaza Uche Avi Nash Rick Gomez Tim Robbins Shane McRaeCreated By: Graham YostProducers: Michael Dinner Joanna Thapa Morten Tyldum Rebecca Ferguson Hugh Howey Graham Yost Remi Aubuchon Nina JackRating: 8.1 Country: United States of America Production: AMC Studios, Nemofilms, Mimir Films, Apple Studios
The truth will surface.