The Black Stallion Returns
"Black" is a stunning fire-and-silk stallion celebrated the world over. But to his young American owner, Alec Ramsay, he's much more. So, when the amazing animal is stolen, Alec will stop at nothing to get him back. Alec finally unravels the mystery of Black's theft...only to discover that he must overcome even greater odds to reclaim his beloved horse.
Released: Mar 25, 1983 Genre: Family AdventureCasts: Kelly Reno Vincent Spano Allen Garfield Woody Strode Ferdy Mayne Jodi Thelen Teri Garr Doghmi LarbiDirectors: Robert DalvaDuration: 1h 43m Rating: 6.5 Country: United States of America Production: American Zoetrope They came by night to steal the magnificent stallion. Now, the boy will journey halfway around the world, brave any danger, take any risk. He had to save The Black.